Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

This Tag award was given to me by RIE of RIE Reviews

I must tell my readers 11 things about myself , answer the 11 questions
by the blogger that i received the award from and then pass
the award tag to 11 others with 11 questions who have less than 200 followers
and I enjoy reading their blogs and they will do same.  (dag, why so many questions, lol)
11. things about me.
1 love to read
2. Married
3. Chicago, my kind of Town, my hometown
4. love Fish as pets like folks love their cats and dogs
5. love eating chocolate almost anything, love it as a color too
6. Is beginning a new HEALTH regimen for me and family
7. Why my hubby looking younger than me. (eekkk) thus number 6
8.  One year ago I decided to take the Natural look for my hair
9.  Love watermelon and just found out the sugar content is not good. dag, decreasing the amount
I eat, not the love.
10. Enjoy dancing, like Stepping, (chicago style) and salsa.
11. Co-owner of New Jazz Club -Indigo Jazz
Now the questions by RIE REVIEWS
1. When did you discover your love of books?  I loved reading at a early age, My mom read a lot while pregnant with me. Mostly magazines. I have such a crave for magazines. I've had over 15 subscriptions at one time while i was in grammar school. I would have my parents and relatives get them for me for boday gifts and Christmas.  Books moved into my life about seventh or eight grade.
2. Where do you read the most?  The most, hmmm, i will say in hubby's study where he placed my favorite chaise near  the bay window. 
3. Can you read whilst listening to music or whilst the TV is on?  I can read while listening to jazz or instrumental classical music.  TV. nope, because. i will peek up and probably get involved then go back to reading and i don't like doing that.
4. What do you eat for breakfast? well, I just learned how to eat breakfast so now its a bran muffin and one boiled egg or a protein shake
5. Why did you decided to start blogging?  I started blogging out of the BLUE. really.  I was on a book site and was reading a few pages of like minded people and they had links to their blogs and Wham, here i am.
6. Why do you blog about books? Books are my passion, I love to share with others the books i find interesting. 
7. Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Hot Cocoa all day long.
8. What is your worst habit? a worst habit, habit, habit, hmmm. oh, organizing other folks mess. I will do this in a minute, much better now but before, i would be in your house, office, car, it don't matter, its about to get ORGANIZED!!!!!
9. Hardback or paperback book? It really don't matter.
10.Who is your favourite author? nope, can't dare answer that with one answer.
11. What do you want to be doing / where do you want to be in 5 years time? In five years, I plan to be traveling around the world as I want, where I want, when I want. only Traveling and continuing my non profit organization.

Now, I must tag 11 people for 11 quick questions: ( with so many blogs award free, i may not reach 11)
Award tags are:
1.    The Little Reading Nook
2     A Morose Bookshelf
3.    Janice's Footsteps
4.    Thinks Books
5.    Memes and Fiction
6.    Drizzle In Awesomness
7.    Bookworms8921
8.     Crystal Reads

 The 11 question: must choose one or the other
Romance or historical
Dystopia or Mystery
Christian fiction or Sci-fiction
Chick lit or Thriller
Poetry or Memoir
Short stories or YA (young adult)
Historical Romance or Paranormal
Spiritual or Fantasy
Cookbook or Health and fitness
Erotic or Street lit (street literature is books mostly written by 
African American authors about Street life)
Biography or Self Help


  1. Haha! Had to jump in here. That no. 8 was just too funnnneee! What I would give to have you come visit me! But, oh, that's right... you've gotten better. shucks!

    On a stuffy note some get offended by this... not me... When my mother used to visit, she'd rearrange my kitchen cabinets!!! "You know I never kept my spices way over here..." and then she switched my stuff around. But I loved it.

    Sorry to get long-winded, but couldn't help myself.

  2. Thanks for the awards tag!

  3. are you sure me??? wow this is amazing I am so grateful I have seen the Liebster award on other blogs and always wondering what it was about and now that I have been honored with it (again are you sure it is meant for me?) I researched it some and WOW really ME? Thank You I'd better get busy yipppeee :))
