Friday, April 27, 2012

TGIF meme and Poetry Month

This Friday's Question:
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Reading Blues: 

We all get them from time to time. What helps you overcome those reading slumps when nothing seems to grab your attention?

Reading Slump: something I'm currently experiencing. hmm, taking a break does it for me. Usally if my life has gotten to hectic, My reading slumps. so I have to take a break, re-evaluate, prioritize and then I'm back on track.  

I have just finished the A-Z April Challenge: I did poems for the entire month in celebration of April Poetry month here are a few:

Letter W
Walk by Faith
No matter how it looks right now
accept all that God allows
Have faith that he is in control
Just watch him as his plans unfold
And know that every burden he will bear
Release the doubt that he's not there
Walk by faith and not by sight
and know that it will be alright
by Toni Simmons

Letter V
Virtuous Beauty
Adorned is she in fashions of the spirit
As she models the attire of faith and salvation
Cloaked is she in garments of praise
She holds a tiara of victory as a crown upon her head
And prayer is as garland upon her neck
So eloquently is she a virtuous beauty

The shadow upon her brow is the color of discernment
Language of encouragement is gloss upon her lips
The glory of the Lord radiates as foundation upon her face
And her ministry of dance is a fragrant as the finest perfume
So eloquently is she a virtuous beauty

God's words are carved upon her heart
printed in her palms are acts of generosity
With her eyes she is able to nurture the unseen
And her feet are marked to walk into her destiny
So eloquently is she a virtuous beauty.
by Toni Simmons

Letter Q
I am a Queen/ Quintessential/ 
Reigning supreme/providential/ 
The stars my crown/ celestial/ scepter of gold/ influential/   
the Earth's my realm/ dominion/ attested deed/ subscription/ 
And when I rise/ ascension/ 
The Sun's eclipsed/ accession/ 
take hold my train/ precession/ atmospheric/ succession/ 
Alone, I stand/ glass ion/
transparent me/ existential/
I am a Queen/ Quintessential/ 
Reigning supreme/ providential/ 
I am a Queen/ Quintessential/
I am a Queen/ Quintessential/
I'll always be/
the reigning Queen! 
by Shirley Houston


  1. taking a break is a great idea!

    I'm a new follower!
    In the Hammock Blog

  2. Heather4/27/2012

    I haven't experienced a reading slump yet, just really started reading since my bookclub induction. lol. i like the walking by faith poem and another which i done forgot its name.
    have a nice weekend.

  3. I agree about the break - sometimes you just need to step away from it and focus on something else.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Taking a break to get over a slump seems to be a popular choice among blogs today. New follower.

    ♥JJ iReads♥ | My TGIF

  5. Taking a break was one of my ideas too. Sometimes you just have to step away. :)

  6. I haven't experienced a reading slump yet. I have so many books on my tbr that sometimes I can't decide what to read next. That is the only time I am not reading.

  7. I totally understand and I do the same! Breaks are the best solution. My TBR is soo overwhelming
