Sunday, December 29, 2013

Book Spotlight - Faces Behind the Dust

Displaying Book-Cover-copy.jpgThis book begins about a precocious, nosey little girl, who has eavesdropping down to a science. The stories surrounding this coal mining community are about family, neighbors and friends. ClaraBy loves her Daddy. The drama of this book will have you laughing and crying, as she grows into womanhood along this journey.

She is struck with sorrow at the loss of her best friend, and worries about her father and brothers when tragedy struck. Also sees her father growing weary over the years as his health deteriorates. Her sister is a fast “breeder”, who seems to be caught by the “BIG BIRD” every year or so with cute little gremlins. There are racial issues that took place in the early 1950’s and 60’s during the period of integration. ClaraBy begins to grow into a lovely young lady who is trying hard not to let her hormones get the best of her. This book is the beginning of her life and she has a lot of living to do. “HELLO WORLD!!” HERE COMES CLARABY ROSE!! (book 2).

Purchase Your Copy Here:


  1. Ms. Alfreda12/31/2013

    I love the summary. We have to recommend this for our children's reading group as well as a good Friday night reader choice. Thanks Sidne, don't forget me i'm always looking for books for the children and teen at the group home.

  2. Hi Sidne, New Year starting and I came by to see what novels you got in store. Girl I'm back in the states and my reading is on for the next YEAR!! yes i'm here for one year. Will call you about that. anyhow, I'm doing late shopping for a few of my book club readers and friends so I will be browsing. Whatever happen to my review list or emails you would send. TT4sho. lol!!

  3. Darrian1/07/2014

    This sounds like a good read to add to our library for the community club house. check this for me please Sidne. PLEASSSEEEE.
